VIA QuakeCon Interview

As I mentioned the other day I fired off some interviews to the major QuakeCon sponsors to see if anything was happening with these guys as usually they've got something brewing if they are sponsoring a major event. Here's the first response we got from VIA Technologies. VIA is launching a new chipset, the KT400. What is also interesting is this:

[snip] Our S3 Graphics Joint Venture recently released a new graphics chip called the SavageXP targeted at the entry level desktop market, and is currently working on a new high performance design codenamed Columbia. More details about this product should be available towards the end of the year.

It's kind of funny to see VIA, AMD, and ATI all as the major sponsors of QuakeCon.. All three of these companies in the past battled to gain recognition and have had histories of less than perfect stability. AMD was probably the first to break free of that stigma as their Athlon line has proven solid, and we're seeing some serious efforts and money being put up on the table by VIA and ATI now. Gamers are a hard market to please for sure.

Steve Gibson is the cofounder of Originally known as sCary's Quakeholio back in 1996, Steve is now President of Gearbox Publishing after selling Shacknews to GameFly in 2009.

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