Postal 2 Interview

A new Unreal engine powered Postal was announced recently, and now Voodoo Extreme has an interview with Mike Riedel and Vince Desi from Running With Scissors about their new game. Though the answers are mostly short, it still tells us a bit more about the game.

VE: Postal obviously got a ton of press because of its violent nature. The bad boy of crown gaming as of late has been Grand Theft auto 3. Obviously you want that distinction back for your game. What kinds of violent content are you planning for this game?
Vince:: POSTAL 2 is a violent comedy...ha! Seriously we don't put violence in the game for violence sake, it needs to be funny too.

VE: Do you think Postal got a bad rap amongst the press as being all shock value and no gameplay?
Mike: The hype did hurt in some respects because people were expecting something very different and were surprised to find an isometric view with small characters and a focus on fast-paced gameplay that actually required quite a bit of strategy to stay alive.

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