Lieberman Interview

Stomped managed to get an interview with Joe Lieberman, Senator and Democratic vp candidate. Lieberman answers questions about his views on videogames, the enforcement of the ESRB rating system, studies regarding videogames and more. Here's one of the Senator's answers about the claims that playing videogames increases aggressive tendencies in children.

Lieberman: Let me try to clear up this misunderstanding. I have not, nor has any other reasonable critic I know, ever suggested that video game violence or media violence in general is the sole or even primary cause of youth violence in this country. We have been careful to say that media violence is one of many contributing influences, including family breakdown, mental illness, domestic abuse, and the easy access to guns. It is one risk factor, as most major medical organizations have concluded. To somehow deny that by pointing to the drop in crime is to engage in the same kind of gross oversimplication that the gaming community has accused its critics of engaging in.

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