Diablo 4 devs plan more Campfire Chats alongside major patches starting with Update 1.1.1

Published , by TJ Denzer

The release of Diablo 4’s Update 1.1.0 patch which kicked off Season of the Malignant could be considered a deeply distressing event for the player base, and it’s one that Blizzard is taking efforts to ensure doesn’t happen again. A part of that seems to be becoming more transparent with players regarding major content changes, allowing players to see the changes ahead of time and provide feedback before they are implemented, as well allowing the devs to share the reasoning behind planned changes. It will begin with Diablo 4 Update 1.1.1 where Blizzard is planning to have another Campfire Chat livestream next week before the patch rolls out.

The Diablo 4 developers announced the concept of pre-patch Campfire Chats during today’s livestream addressing the feedback and backlash on Update 1.1.0. During a stream in which the developers apologized profusely for the frustration and issues caused by the recent update, they also announced that they will be doing further Campfire Chats ahead of large updates that will serve as a primer to what’s coming. Their hope is that this will allow them to clarify changes, but also receive and consider player feedback ahead of implementation.

It will remain to be seen if these pre-patch Campfire Chats serve the purpose Blizzard wants it to. At the very least, players will likely appreciate knowing what’s coming ahead of content updates so that they can prepare for what’s coming to their class, equipment, builds, and further aspects of the game. Even so, with the recent notes having come a couple days before the launch of Diablo 4 Update 1.1.0a, it did little to prepare players for the sheer frustration of seeing classes like Sorcerers nerfed into the dirt, but Blizzard promises changes are coming which will focus on Sorcerers and Barbarians in the next patch.

With a Campfire Chat confirmed for next Friday, July 28, 2023, just ahead of the patch notes for Diablo 4 Update 1.1.1, stay tuned for further updates here at Shacknews as they drop. You can also check out our other Diablo 4 coverage for plenty of guides to help you along in your adventures.