Generative AI is coming to Google Search if you like it or not

Published , by TJ Denzer

Google Search is one of the most important popular services Google offers worldwide, but it looks like they’re getting ready to substantially change it up with the company’s focus on AI. Google has announced that it will be integrating Generative AI into Google Search results, filling up the search results with AI generated content in response to inquiries.

Google announced Generative AI for Google Search during the Google I/O Livestream Presentation on May 10, 2023. The presentation was heavily focused on how Google is advancing AI products like Bard and the PaLM 2 AI model. However, it also focused on how Google in integrating AI to offer new features in its existing and popular products. Inevitably, Google Search came up. The company revealed that it is now working to bring generative AI technology into the search engine and offer dynamic AI responses to search inquiries where applicable.

It appears that generative AI is going to heavily change up how search results are delivered in Google Search. When inputting a search in the generative AI system, Google’s results will offer a large block that offers AI generated responses to your inquiries. This could be as simple as offering you a recipe or a generated image when you ask for either. It could also direct you to specialized links with further reading and information. Either way, it’s an interesting use of Google Search screen real estate, pushing third-party results fairly far down the page.

Google had plenty of other stuff to share during its presentation, so be sure to check out the Google I/O Livestream if you’d like and stay tuned for more coverage of Google, AI, its upcoming products, and more, right here at Shacknews.