Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.62 notes brings 'Ray Tracing: Overdrive Mode' for high-end PCs

Published , by TJ Denzer

CD Projekt RED has released a new update for Cyberpunk 2077 specifically geared towards PCs. Cyberpunk Patch 1.62 brings a new option for a feature called “Ray Tracing: Overdrive Mode.” It’s a demanding new graphics mode that is supposed to offer new cutting-edge ray tracing technology on high-end PCs that can handle it. There are a few other new features, tweaks, and updates in Patch 1.62 as well. Check out the full patch notes here!

Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.62 notes

CD Projekt RED's latest patch for Cyberpunk 2077 added a new Ray Tracing: Overdrive Mode preset for high-end PCs and offering cutting edge ray tracing technology designed with NVIDIA.
Source: CD Projekt RED

CD Projekt RED announced the release of Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.62 and its accompanying notes on April 11, 2023. The new update is specifically for PC players and its highlight is the new Ray Tracing: Overdrive Mode. Built in collaboration with NVIDIA, Ray Tracing: Overdrive Mode is supposed to bring an level of fidelity to the game that hasn’t been seen before. As it is experimental technology, CD Projekt RED says it may experience some issues, but it is still the first steps towards what CD Projekt and NVIDIA hopes will be the next step in ray tracing graphics technology. There are, of course, more tweaks and balances included, and you can find out about all of them below:

Path Tracing: Technology Preview


Intel XeSS

Benchmark improvements

That covers the patch notes for Cyberpunk Patch 1.62 on PC. Be sure to check out our further Cyberpunk 2077 coverage, especially regarding the upcoming Phantom Liberty DLC expansion, as more details become available.