Apex Legends Season 16 - Revelry patch notes detail new Legend Class perks

Published , by TJ Denzer

Apex Legends Season 16 is almost upon us. Dubbed “Revelry,” this coming season celebrates a lot of good times that have happened in League of Legends since its launch in 2019. Notably, it also brings a lot of changes to familiar elements of the game. Legend Class perks in particular have been reworked and Legends have been reclassified across the board to better fit their role in the Ring. Patch notes have finally detailed what these changes are and how the roster is divided. Check it out here.

Apex Legends Season 16 - Revelry patch notes

Apex Legends' new Classes are broken up into Assault, Skirmisher, Recon, Controller, and Support with new and familiar perks for each.
Source: Respawn Entertainment

Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts launched the patch notes for Season 16 - Revelry in a blog post on February 10, 2023. The patch details a lot of the content that was recently teased with the full reveal of Season 16, including the new Nemesis energy rifle and Team Deathmatch modes. However, just as important is the breakdown and division of Classes and perks per Legend in the game. We now know exactly what each Class is set to do in the new system. Some functions have remained similar, like being able to identify the next ring or unlocking secret slots in colored bins, but now there’s a new breakdown of where these perks fall in the new Call chart. Check it out below:

Class Perk Breakdown

Legend Class Rosters

Here’s the breakdown of where each Legend falls in the new Class system:

Here's the breakdown of where the Legends fall in Apex Legends' new Class perk system.
Source: Respawn Entertainment

Respawn has said that the perks aren’t meant to throw the balance of the game out of whack and create a new meta. Rather, it’s meant to offer interesting bonuses in casual play and high-level strategy for access at higher play when you have to decide what perks your squad needs and what it’s leaving behind. With Apex Legends Season 16 coming on Ferbuary 14, watch as these changes and more go into effect and stay tuned for more coverage here at Shacknews.