Who to assign facilities to: Peacekeepers or Survivors - Dying Light 2 Stay Human

Published , by Sam Chandler

As you progress through Dying Light 2 Stay Human, you will need to make the difficult decision of who you assign facilities to: Peacekeepers or Survivors. Depending on who you assign a facility or building to will drastically change aspects of the city. Some more traps may spawn to aid you with fighting the infected or you could wind up with more parkour and movement options.

Who to assign facilities to: Peacekeepers or Survivors

One of the first facilities you can assign to either the Peacekeepers or the Survivors is the Water Tower. This is a key facility in Dying Light 2, and assigning it will have an immediate impact on the city of Villedor.

Choosing who to assign a facility to will come down to a simple decision: do you want the bonuses and rewards that one side is offering more than the other. For example, if you like the look of the car traps you should assign it to the Peacekeepers. However, if you like the ziplines, you should assign it to the Survivors.

Taking this further, you should also consider the rewards further along the tracks. Each time you assign a building you will unlock an additional upgrade. By assigning enough facilities to the Peacekeepers you will receive a semi-automatic crossbow, which is a lovely upgrade from the first bow you can unlock. On the flip side, the Survivors will continue to put better parkour options out, including two-way ziplines.

The key difference between the two sides is that the Peacekeepers focus on traps while the Survivors focus on movement. Pick the one that feels right for you. Personally, I think the Survivor’s additions to the city make parkour much easier.

Picking who to assign facilities to (Peacekeepers or Survivors) in Dying Light 2 is almost as difficult as deciding what to upgrade: Health or Stamina. No matter which one you choose, there will be a benefit (and maybe some story-based consequences). For more guidance and survival tips, head over to the Shacknews Dying Light 2 page.