How to farm Eyasluna in Grasp of Avarice - Destiny 2

Published , by Bill Lavoy

Eyasluna has taken over Destiny 2 in both PvP and PvE content. PvP players are always looking for the next 140 Hand Cannon to spam while furiously complaining about how OP Dead Man’s Tale is and the Shotgun meta. PvE players are on a constant journey to turn themselves into Esoterickk, and Eyasluna suits both party’s needs well. To get Eyasluna, though, players must head into the Grasp of Avarice dungeon and get to work, especially if they want to farm for that god roll.

How to farm for Eyasluna

This is not that Eyasluna god roll. The farming must continue.

To farm for Eyasluna, players will need to follow a few very specific steps and meet a couple of requirements. First, you must have received at least one Eyasluna drop to farm for it. Check your Collections and see if you have received an Eyasluna. If you have, you can continue forward with the farming method. If you haven’t, you must complete the dungeon with fresh characters until you get one to drop. A fresh character in this case is one that has not completed the Grasp of Avarice since the weekly reset. This gives you three chances per week to complete the Grasp of Avarice, get your first Eyasluna, then get busy with the farming.

Farming includes repeatedly defeating the boss to get drops, but once you have exhausted all three of your fresh Grasp of Avarice runs for the week, you only get drops you’ve already unlocked in your Collections.

Once you have your first Eyasluna, you need to complete the dungeon up to the point of the final boss fight against Captain Avarokk, the Covetous on the character you want to farm with. However, don’t start the encounter. If you already did, wipe your fireteam, leave the dungeon for Orbit and load back in on another character while one of your fireteam members remains at the encounter. Once you load in with your second character, you’ll have the checkpoint. Go back to your original character and complete the final encounter as normal. Grab your drops at the end and check for that Eyasluna god roll. If you didn’t get it, you must load back in on the second character, then have your two other fireteam members join you. Once they’re in, swap back to your original character and complete the encounter again. Rinse and repeat.

Let’s use a Hunter as an example (swap Hunter for your main) if you’re still unclear about how this works.

  1. You complete the Grasp of Avarice dungeon up to the final encounter on your Hunter
  2. Your two other fireteam members stay there but don’t start the encounter
  3. You leave the dungeon, switch to your Titan, and load back in on your fireteam members
  4. Once your Titan is loaded in, leave the dungeon and switch back to your Hunter, then load in again
  5. Complete the encounter, defeating the boss, then grab your loot
  6. Everyone in your fireteam leaves the dungeon
  7. You load back into the dungeon on your Titan, who holds the checkpoint for the final encounter
  8. Your two fireteam members join you
  9. You leave the dungeon and switch back to your Hunter, then join your fireteam
  10. Complete the encounter, defeating the boss, then grab your loot
  11. Repeat steps 6-10 until you have the Eyasluna roll you've been grinding towards

It sounds complicated, but it’s not. You just need to do it once and it’ll all make sense. Essentially, you will have one character that holds the checkpoint. Every time you want to farm the final encounter, that character loads in, everyone joins them, and then you switch to the character you want to farm with. It’s just a loop of that process. You can do this as many times as you want until the weekly reset, then you need to run the dungeon fresh to the final encounter to start farming again.

Now that you know how to farm Eyasluna in Grasp of Avarice, be sure to check out our Destiny 2 strategy guide. It’s got hundreds, if not thousands (we lost count) of guides to help you navigate almost every inch of Bungie’s looter shooter.