Steam Digital Tabletop Fest spotlights boardgame-inspired RPGs this October

Published , by TJ Denzer

Steam’s gaming festivals have been a way for the platform to spotlight and put sales on games in the sparse space of actual in-person events these days. We’re once again going to be able to check out some gaming goodness later this month. Steam has announced the Digital Tabletop Fest RPG Edition with a focus on games inspired by tabletop settings and a special focus on RPGs of that sort. It will be kicking off at the end of October.

The Steam Digital Tabletop Fest RPG Edition was announced in a Steam blog post along with a trailer on September 30, 2021. The event is set to take place near the end of October, spanning from October 21 at 10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET to October 25 at the same time. During this time, you’ll find deep discounts on featured titles, mostly themed around tabletop-style games and RPGs. Also, a number of streams will take place, featuring Auroch Digital who have crafted a number of fine adaptations of interesting board games. Those streams will take place between October 22 and October 24.

Events like Steam Next Fest have popped up alongside the likes of normal events like the Steam Summer Sale in a time where it has been difficult to go to events and see games in person. These festivals often come alongside an offering of demos that allow players to try to games before investing fully, which has been a great way to get a sneak peak at some upcoming titles. Steam Digital Tabletop Fest RPG edition almost promises to feature some incredible titles such as Disco Elysium and Divinity: Original Sin 2, so it will be well worth it to watch for the sales on these games if you haven’t gotten them yet.

With Steam Digital Tabletop Fest RPG Edition kicking off later this October, be sure to keep an eye on the dates and get in on the fun and sales once they become available. Stay tuned for more details and updates here at Shacknews.