Phil Spencer: Halo Infinite's 2021 launch window range is narrowed 'down to a few weeks'

Published , by TJ Denzer

With Halo Infinite still having a Fall 2021 release window, many fans and viewers of the E3 2021 content were probably a little alarmed to find that the game still doesn’t have a concrete release date. There’s a lot of details that have been unveiled, but Xbox head Phil Spencer recently revealed that the team is not quite ready to give a specific day yet. Nonetheless, the Halo Infinite release date has been narrowed down to a very narrow range of just a few weeks.

Spencer recently revealed this tidbit when he played special guest on an edition of the Dropped Frames talk show. With Xbox having shown a deep dive into Halo Infinite’s multiplayer during its E3 2021 showcase, Dropped Frames was diligent in pressing Spencer on the lack of a release date during the latest content reveals. To this, Spencer explained that while Xbox and 343 are confident in the Fall/Holiday 2021 release window, they still aren’t quite ready to commit to an actual day.

That said, Phil Spencer did share that though no official day can be set just yet for Halo Infinite, the teams at Xbox and 343 do feel like the target is narrowing down.

“For us, we know kind of our range in a three to four week range,” Spencer explained. “We’ll have better clarity over the summer, but this isn’t a months thing. This is just down to a few weeks.”

Spencer added that the team wanted to make absolutely sure they could commit to a day before they can announce it because moving it again (such as the delay from Holiday 2020) feels like it would be highly detrimental.

“We’re like, ‘okay, instead of picking this date and then moving it by a week - which at this point would feel like a fail - let's wait until we’re really solid on what the date is,” Spencer added.

With that said, it looks like all parties involved still feel very confident in the Fall release date for Halo Infinite. Stay tuned as we await that concrete launch day, which should supposedly be coming this summer.