How to find the Smuggled Cargo - The Outer Worlds: Murder on Eridanos

Published , by Josh Hawkins

There’s more to do in The Outer Worlds: Murder on Eridanos than just solve Halycon Helen’s murder. On top of exploring, players can also complete various sidequests, like The Two Rogues, a quest that tasks you with finding Smuggled Cargo.

How to find the Smuggled Cargo - The Outer Worlds: Murder on Eridanos

Like many quest objectives in The Outer Worlds: Murder on Eridanos, players can actually find the Smuggled Cargo a number of different ways. We’ll break down each method below, as well as provide additional details on how to get into the restricted area that the cargo is locked inside.

To pick up The Two Rogues, players will need to speak with a man named Dash inside of the cantina in Piraeus Spaceport. From here, they’ll need to then talk to Cassidy Mills to continue the quest. She can be found inside of the Constable’s Office, in the last cell in the back of the room.

Talk to Cassidy to find out where the Smuggled Cargo was taken.

After speaking to Cassidy Mills in the Constable’s cells, you’ll be given an objective to Find the Smuggled Cargo. An objective marker will appear on your screen, so go ahead and make your way over to it to discover that the cargo is locked inside of a Restricted Area.

You can gain access to this area a number of ways. First, you can speak with Benton Chan, who is in charge of the Shipping Yard where the Smuggled Cargo has been stored. He can usually be found outside of the main entrance into the Shipping Yard, or inside the building just across from the entrance.

You can talk with Benton Chan, the foreman of the Shipping Yard to learn more about the Smuggled Cargo. You can even bribe or lie to him to acquire it more easily.

You’ll have the option to Lie or Bribe him, but you’ll need to either have a high enough Lie level, or enough Bits in the bank to pay for the bribe. The nice thing about bribing or lying about why you need the cargo is the easiest route, as Benton will simply hand over the Smuggled Cargo, allowing you to return to Cassidy Mills to continue the quest.

How to get the Smuggled Cargo without high Lie or Bribing

If you don’t have a high enough Lie level, or if you don’t feel like wasting the Bits, you can actually sneak into the Shipping Yard another way.

From Benton Chan’s location, head behind the building just in front of the Shipping Yard and look for a broken area in the fence. You can enter the Shipping Yard undetected here. Luckily, there are no SLUG guards situated in the area, so you shouldn’t even have to sneak.

After entering the Shipping Yard through the broken fence, look for this open window that you can climb through to gain access to the room where the Smuggled Cargo is being held.

Continue into the Shipping Yard and to the left. Follow the path forward and climb up and through the window-like opening ahead. Inside you should be able to see the container that has the Smuggled Cargo inside of it. Now that you have the cargo, head back out the same way that you entered the Shipping Yard and make your way to the Constable’s Office and speak with Cassidy for more info on where to take the package.

Furthermore, you can just enter the Shipping Yard if you have the SLUG Worker ID Card, which makes you and your party look like you work for SLUG.

Now that you’ve found the Smuggled Cargo, be sure to check out the rest of our The Outer Worlds guide for even more info and content designed to help you solve every mystery in the latest expansion for Obsidian Entertainment’s sci-fi RPG.