Evening Reading - February 15, 2021 (President's Day)

Published , by Ozzie Mejia

Greetings, travelers! It may be President's Day, but we're not skipping out on Evening Reading here at Shacknews. Even though the staff took the day off to observe our country's greatest leaders, including Duke Nukem, we're still closing out our weekdays as usual. Let's dive right in.

In case you missed it at Shacknews:

And now... Other Stuff From The Internet!!!

What the hell is happening in Texas?

Stay safe out there, Texans!

Much love,
-Some jerk from Southern California

The world needs so much more Deadpool


I feel your pain, Scoops

I don't know if I've ever told you guys this, but Cyber Shadow is freakin' hard.

Cars going in circles

The Daytona 500 was Sunday and, in case you missed, OOH, CARS GO CRASH!

Really, I only remembered this race happened because it ran so long that it wound up pre-empting the Fox Sunday night comedies. I love my Bob's Burgers.

The Untitled Goose Game/Goat Simulator crossover you never knew you wanted


Not sure when I'll get to do Evening Reading again, so I may as well take this chance to once again express my love for my boys, The Acclaimed!

And of course, NXT Takeover: Vengeance Day was last night. Find something better in wrestling today than CAAAAAAAAMERON GRIMES! HA HA HA!

I mean, isn't this pretty much everyone who got in on GameStop early? STONKS!

Tonight in video game music

Is there a more majestic instrument than the recorder?

Happy President's Day!

And that's your Evening Reading for tonight, Shacknews. If you like what we do, considering subscribing to Shacknews Mercury. It supports our site and keeps the lights on for as little as $1 a month.

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