Hogwarts Legacy casts delay spell and will release in 2022

Published , by Ozzie Mejia

It may feel at times that 2021 has lasted six months already, but believe it or not, the new year isn't even two weeks old. This year is still fresh, but we already have the first major gaming delay into next year. On Wednesday, WB Games (under the Portkey Games label) and Avalanche announced that the upcoming RPG set in the Wizarding World will not make its projected 2021 release and fall into 2022.

For those who can't see the embedded tweet above, here's the full message from the Hogwarts Legacy Twitter account:

We would like to thank fans from around the world on the tremendous reaction to the announcement of Hogwarts Legacy from our Portkey Games label. Creating the best possible experience for all of the Wizarding World and gaming fans is paramount to us, so we are giving the game the time it needs.

Hogwarts Legacy will be released in 2022.

There's little that's known about Hogwarts Legacy right now. The knowns are that it's a single-player, open-world action RPG and it's set in the 1800s Wizarding World, long before the age of Harry Potter. It will feature various missions that will pit players against the dark forces of the Wizarding World with scenarios that will present some sort of player choice and character building. It was originally revealed during the September PlayStation 5 Showcase, but the game is set to come to new and old-gen PlayStation and Xbox platforms, as well as PC.

It's still expected that there will be more details on Hogwarts Legacy later in the year. But those hoping to grab their wands in 2021 will likely be disappointed by today's news. Of course, we're living in a post-Cyberpunk 2077 world now, so it's probably better to err on the side of caution. That's especially true given the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on game development. We'll follow the continuing development of Hogwarts Legacy and report back with news as it arises.