Nintendo Indie World for December 15 showcases Spelunky 2, Super Meat Boy Forever

Published , by Donovan Erskine

Nintendo held an Indie World Showcase on Tuesday, December 15. Much similar to Nintendo Directs, these short form presentations highlight upcoming titles for the Nintendo Switch, but shift the focus to smaller games from third-party developers. The latest Indie World Showcase featured some notable announcements around the world of Nintendo.

The show opened with the reveal of both Spelunky and Spelunky 2 coming to the Switch. With Spelunky 2 releasing earlier this year to rave reviews, we found ourselves wondering how this title wasn’t released for the Switch. Now, both Spelunk 2 and its predecessor will arrive on the handheld console hybrid Summer 2021.

After a long period of no news or information, we recently learned that Super Meat Boy Forever would be dropping at the end of this month. Now, we know that the game will be coming to the Nintendo Switch as well. What’s more, Super Meat Boy Forever will release on December 23 as a console launch exclusive, meaning it will only be on Switch for a period of time.

At the end of the presentation, it was revealed that breakout hit of 2020 Among Us will be coming to the Nintendo Switch. The true mic drop moment was that the game would be available on the console later today. Among Us exploded in popularity in 2020, nearly two years after its initial release. The game is also coming to Xbox Game Pass on PC.

Nintendo’s latest Indie World Showcase also featured a sizzle reel of footage from upcoming third-party releases. The full video can be found over on Nintnedo’s official YouTube channel. For more on Nintendo Indie World, you can stay right here on Shacknews.