Steam Digital Tabletop Fest to celebrate the digital board game space in late October

Published , by TJ Denzer

Tabletop gaming and video games haven’t entirely always gone hand in hand, but it doesn’t keep the two from crossing over in some pretty splendid ways. Throughout video game history, there are plenty of amazing games which draw heavily or even recreate popular tabletop gaming ideas as cool digital interactive experiences (arguably more important than ever given the need for many to play apart from once another). That’s why Steam is celebrating such games with the first ever Steam Digital Tabletop Fest near the end of this month.

Steam announced the inaugural Steam Digital Tabletop Fest on October 16, 2020. Starting on October 21 and running through October 26, 2020, Steam will be hosting a number of panels, let’s plays, interviews, talks, and further livestream activities dedicated to game who have worked to fuse the best elements of tabletop gameplay and video games together. Sid Meier’s Civilization 6, Hand of Fate 2, Warhammer Underworlds: Online, Armello, and Plague Inc. will be just a few of the games of this type showcased during the lengthy 6-day event.

Teased back in September, concept of Steam Digital Tabletop Fest is interesting to say the least. As we truck along through a year of pandemic-fettered isolation and cancelation of most physical social activities, a lot of good stuff has fallen by the wayside. Physical boardgame meetups have been a risky venture, which leaves digital boardgame-style video games meaning that much more in these current times. Civilization 6, Warhammer Underworlds: Online, and Armello are among just a few which we have had our share of fun with here at Shacknews. It’s cool to see this very specific section of gaming get the spotlight during a time these games arguably matter as much as ever.

Stay tuned as the Steam Digital Tabletop Fest kicks off on October 21 and keep an eye on the schedule for any of the events that might interest you about your favorite tabletop video game fusion throughout the event!