How to pre-order LEGO Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) 71374

Published , by Sam Chandler

Now that the LEGO Nintendo Entertainment System has officially been revealed, consumers are looking to pre-order one. The reason people are looking to pre-order is that the product has yet to be released, which means you can’t purchase one now to have it delivered any time soon. You will want to pre-order a LEGO NES if you want to be in the first wave of release.

How to pre-order LEGO NES (71374)

Now that the LEGO Nintendo Entertainment System price has been revealed and people are finding where to buy a LEGO NES, the next step is to pre-order one. At the moment, the only place you can purchase one is through the official LEGO site, and unfortunately, this site offers no means of pre-order at the moment.

While you can't technically pre-order the LEGO NES, you can add it to your wishlist on the official LEGO site.

In saying this, if you are interested in getting a LEGO NES, the LEGO site does allow you to wishlist a LEGO Nintendo Entertainment System. This will notify you when it is released and there is some in-stock. In the event it sells out on the online store, the official site also lets you do a store-check to see if any of the official LEGO stores have any.

As for Walmart and Best Buy, and other department stores, they have yet to add the LEGO NES to their online catalogues. When this hot item is eventually added, there’s a good chance consumers will be able to pre-order through these sites or at least offer an expression of interest. For now though, the only place where you can buy a LEGO NES is through the official LEGO site.

For that want to pre-order a LEGO Nintendo Entertainment System, there’s really no way to do this. The only option, other than to buy it (which you can’t do as it’s unavailable), is to add it to your wishlist.