Animal Crossing: New Horizons update version 1.3.0 patch notes

Published , by Asif Khan

Animal Crossing: New Horizons received an update today and we have the version 1.3.0 patch notes right here for your reading enjoyment.

Here are the full Animal Crossing: New Horizons Update Version 1.3.0 patch notes directly from Nintendo:

Ver. 1.3.0 (Released July 2, 2020)

The software has been updated if you see “Ver. 1.3.0” in the upper-right corner of the title screen.

General Updates

Fixed the following issues:

The biggest addition to this July update in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is definitely players being able to go diving in the ocean. For the first time ever in an Animal Crossing game, players can swim! There is also a whole gang of new stuff to track down for the museum. As usual, there are also some seasonal items that can only be purchased for a limited time. This weekend may be a celebration for some folks with hot dogs, beer, and parties, but us real ones are going to burrow in our gamer nooks and grind for this mermaid stuff.

Look how cute!

Check out our guides on all of the new fish and bugs coming to Animal Crossing: New Horizons in July. 

Have you played Animal Crossing: New Horizons since the latest update? Let us know what you think of swimming in the Shacknews Chatty comment thread below this article!