Can you customize your genitals in Cyberpunk 2077?

Published , by Josh Hawkins

Cyberpunk 2077 is set to arrive in November of 2020. As we grow closer to the game’s release, more and more info is dropping thanks to a series of livestreams from CD Projekt Red. The latest question that we’ve seen answered is one that many fans have been asking, “can you customize your genitals in Cyberpunk 2077?”. The answer is right here.

Can you customize your genitals in Cyberpunk 2077?

Yes. You can customize your genitals in Cyberpunk 2077. Thanks to a recent Night City Wire livestream, which showcased new gameplay, and a four-hour session that several media outlets got to play of the game, we can finally confirm without a doubt that Cyberpunk 2077 will allow you to customize your genitals.

What’s more is some of the previews of the game have broken down exactly what kind of customization options there are. According to writers at Kotaku, Cyberpunk 2077 has two types of penises to choose from, various size options, five types of pubic hair to customize, and a single vagina option to work with. Of course, if you aren’t all-in for the nudity factor, you can always leave it disabled, which will keep you from having to see your character’s private area at all.

A look at the old character customization system from Cyberpunk 2077.

This is, honestly, a slew of customization options we haven’t seen in a video game before. While some games have allowed you to customize things like penis size, chest size, and other factors, Cyberpunk 2077 is the first game to break things down as far as pubic hair and penis type. Even if you aren’t into customizing your genitals, though, previews have also mentioned just how in-depth the character customization system is for normal options, like hair, facial features, etc.

Now that you know that you can customize your genitals in Cyberpunk 2077, make sure you head back over to our main Cyberpunk 2077 hub for even more answers to your burning questions, like can you steal cars? We’ll have plenty of content as the months go by, so keep your eyes glued right here to Shacknews for all your Cyberpunk needs.