PAX West will tentatively go on in wake of coronavirus pandemic

Published , by Ozzie Mejia

Events have been getting canceled left and right in the wake of the continuing coronavirus pandemic. With more and more gaming events either opting to go digital or shutting down outright, many eyes have turned to PAX West, which is set to go down in Seattle, Washington, one of the hardest-hit areas of the pandemic. On Tuesday, the PAX team offered an update, noting that in spite of the continuing COVID crisis, PAX West is set to go on uninterrupted.

Here's the full message from the PAX website:

As is the case with anything and everything this year, this is all subject to change. Remember that Comic Con International had hoped to continue running San Diego Comic Con when the COVID outbreak originally started, but eventually had to throw in the towel and cancel the show just last week. Gamescom likewise had plans to continue before ultimately deciding on a digital-only event.

If PAX West 2020 goes on as scheduled, it will run from September 4-7. We're doing our best to keep up with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and how it's affecting the gaming world. Keep it on Shacknews for any further updates.