Half-Life: Alyx pre-load time

Published , by Sam Chandler

The Half-Life: Alyx pre-load time has been revealed. For those that were hoping there would be plenty of time between the pre-load date and the release date for Half-Life: Alyx, there’s good news! Players will have an entire weekend to get the game downloaded and installed.

Half-Life: Alyx pre-load time

The Half-Life: Alyx pre-load time is Friday, March 20, 2020. This information comes direct from the official Valve Twitter account. The information was shared on March 18, along with a pretty evocative image of Alyx sitting on a wall, lambda graffit in sight, with what is likely the Citadel looming behind her.

The Half-Life: Alyx pre-load date is almost here. Only one more sleep.

Valve was coy to give a specific time, unlike the Half-Life: Alyx release time. What this means is that either there is currently no set time and one will be announced at the end of the week or players can start downloading the bytes as soon as the clock strikes midnight. It’s probably worth checking throughout the day.

There’s not long now until we can dive back into the world of Half-Life with Half-Life: Alyx. It’s crazy to think that it’s been over 13 years since we were last exploring the incredible world Valve has created. Thankfully, it sounds like this isn’t the end, but the beginning. In an interview with Game Informer, Valve Developer Robin Walker commented, “We absolutely see Half-Life: Alyx as our return to this world, not the end of it.”

Whether this means we’ll be back in the orange HEV suit of Gordan Freeman anytime soon is yet to be seen. It’s taken this long for Valve to let players revisit City 17, so let’s not hold our breath.

Now that you’ve got the Half-Life: Alyx pre-load date secured, you can focus on making it through the weekend. Be sure to check out the Shacknews Half-Life: Alyx page where we will be covering the game extensively!