How to fast travel in Luigi's Mansion 3

Published , by Josh Hawkins

With several floors, and even more rooms, to explore, there’s a lot to take in in Luigi’s Mansion 3. But, as you go about your business, catching ghosts and saving friends, you’re going to find yourself needing to travel back and forth between Professor E. Gadd’s lab and other floors in the hotel. That’s where fast travel comes into play. In this guide we’ll teach you everything you need to know about fast travel in Luigi’s Mansion 3.

How to fast travel in Luigi’s Mansion 3

If you’re wanting to be able to fast travel quickly between different floors, then we’re sorry to say that this just isn’t how the fast travel system works in Luigi’s Mansion 3. While there is a way to get between places easily, the only thing that you can fast travel to at any point is Professor E. Gadd’s lab in Basement 1. You can, however, easily make it back to the elevator in most cases, which will allow you to head back to floors you’ve already explored, should you need to go back.

Find out how long it will take to beat Luigi’s Mansion 3 so you know what you’re getting into.

To make use of the fast travel system in Luigi’s Mansion, press the + button on your Switch controller and then locate the Lab option on the menu. Select this and then choose to return to the lab. This will transport Luigi back to Professor E. Gadd’s lab on Basement 1, which makes it easy to visit the lab and purchase new items, deposit ghosts you’ve collected, or just check up on multiplayer and other things. When you’re done, you can teleport right back to where you left off.

Once you unlock it, you can return to the lab at any time using the fast travel feature.

Unfortunately, aside from the option to teleport to the lab, there isn’t really any other form of fast travel in Luigi’s Mansion 3. But, to be completely honest, you shouldn’t need it all that much, as getting back to previous floors is usually very simple.

Now that you know how the fast travel system works, head back over to our Luigi’s Mansion 3 guide for even more help.