Stuck at signing in, contacting Destiny 2 servers

Published , by Sam Chandler

Being stuck signing in to Destiny 2 is nothing new, nor is trying to contact the Destiny 2 servers. This happens almost every time a new piece of content releases for the game, which is no surprise considering how immensely popular it is.

Stuck at signing in, contacting Destiny 2 servers

There’s no easy way to put this, whenever you’re stuck signing in or contacting the Destiny 2 servers, you’ll just need to wait. The reason why it’s taking so long to sign in to Destiny 2 is because there are currently hundreds of thousands of other players also trying to sign in.

When you're stuck signing in to Destiny 2, considering resetting your system and waiting for the servers to stabilize.

It’s also worth considering whether or not the Destiny 2 servers are offline. Sometimes Bungie has to take the servers down for emergency maintenance. This is most common after massive updates or when new content drops – such as with Shadowkeep.

Some best practices are to ensure you’re following the Bungie Help Twitter account. This account sends out information like in the tweet above. This is an excellent way to stay abreast of any ongoing problems and technical hiccups.

At the launch of Shadowkeep, the Destiny 2 servers were a bit unstable. To help with stability, Bungie took the servers offline in order to perform some maintenance. At this point players all around the world would receive similar errors: stuck at signing in or contacting Destiny 2 servers. Some may even see the message “Destiny 2 is at capacity”.

Regardless of the error message you’re seeing, it’s a good idea to just wait. If you’re stuck signing in, try resetting your PC or console and waiting for the Destiny 2 servers to stabilize. Keep your eyes trained on the Bungie Help Twitter account, as it will update whenever new information is available. Be sure to keep it locked to Shacknews as we cover the latest happenings in the Destiny universe. Check out the Destiny 2 guide for more helpful articles.