WoW Classic Retribution Paladin questing extended gameplay

Published , by Greg Burke

Shacknews recently attended a World of Warcraft Classic event at Blizzard and got a chance to get hands-on with the game. Check out this gameplay of a level 40 Retribution Paladin questing in Stranglethorne Vale. 

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WoW Classic goes up to patch 1.12. The game is exactly like players remember it when it launched in 2004, which can be a good or bad thing. We chose a Ret Paladin because they are easy to play. You activate a seal, auto-attack, and wait for it to proc. Before the seal runs out of time, you can activate judgement which does consumes the seal and deals damage.

World of Warcraft Classic comes out this summer. Check out our WoW Classic PVP open world gameplay - Gurubashi Arena and Scarlet Monastery dungeon instance gameplay for more awesome footage of the game.