Fallout 76 account lacks required entitlements error

Published , by Kevin Tucker

It's pretty tough out there for a Fallout 76 player. Even before reaching the wasteland, occasional problems like the "login failed: account lacks the required entitlements" error prevent players from enjoying the game. Any time the entitlement error appears, it seems like there's nothing that players can do to fix it. Turns out that there's a good reason for that.

Fallout 76 Login Failed: The Account Lacks the Required Entitlements

An error stating that the Fallout 76 "login failed: account lacks the required entitlements" typically corresponds to server outages, maintenance, or down time. The issue first appeared during the game's beta stages when servers would be pulled down for occasional bug fixes. The same holds true today: Players taking to the Fallout 76 subreddit report encountering the entitlements error around the same time as server maintenance announcements are posted to the official Fallout Twitter account.

Of course, server outages are not always planned, and when they are, not every player will be made aware. Still, the "account lacks the required entitlements" error message will typically occur when Fallout 76 servers are down. Players can find server outage reporting websites to discover when or if servers aren't running, or look to the Bethesda Status Portal website to check on the status of Bethesda services.

Assuming the Fallout 76 servers are down, there's no fix for the "account lacks required entitlements" error but to wait it out. It usually takes a few hours for server updates to deploy before the game comes back online, though some updates will require users to update their local software as well. In any case, the maintenance is required to keep improving the game, so hopefully the results will be worth the wait.

If the Fallout 76 "account lacks the required entitlements" appears, the solution is to wait it out. Logins will typically fail when servers are down, and there's nothing the player can do to bring them back online. Fortunately, they can at least fill their time by learning more about Bethesda's latest open-world RPG from Shacknews' extensive Fallout 76 walkthrough and guide.