Gambit Infamy ranks and rewards in Destiny 2

Published , by Bill Lavoy

As Guardians play Gambit, they’ll notice that at the end of each round their Infamy rank goes up. These ranks are each assigned a title, but it can be confusing trying to figure out what each means and the point totals to reach the next one. Below is a handy table that breaks down the various ranks and point requirements in Gambit, as well as how many levels there are to grind through.

Last updated on June 2, 2021 at 8:40 p.m. PT.

Gambit Infamy ranks and point requirements

The Enigmatic Package contains the Bad Omens Legendary Rocket Launcher with a god roll of Tracking Module and Cluster Bombs.

There are six Gambit Infamy tiers, with the first five each having three ranks within. The final rank is called Legend and has only one tier but takes 3,000 points to complete. Only after passing through the Legend rank can Guardians reset their Infamy and earn the Mysterious and Enigmatic packages. It now requires an Infamy Rank of 15,000 for the reset option to become available.

Players should anticipate a rebalance of Gambit Infamy Ranks in Season 15 to bring it more in-line with Valor Ranks.

Title Level Infamy Rank
Guardian I 0 - 249 1
Guardian II 250 - 599 2
Guardian III 600 - 999 3
Brave I 1,000 - 1,449 4
Brave II 1,450 - 1,949 5
Brave III 1,950 - 2,499 6
Heroic I 2,500 - 3,099 7
Heroic II 3,100 - 3,749 8
Heroic III 3,750 - 4,499 9
Fabled I 4,500 - 5,349 10
Fabled II 5,350 - 6,349 11
Fabled III 6,350 - 7,499 12
Mythic I 7,500 - 8,799 13
Mythic II 8,800 - 10,299 14
Mythic III 10,300 - 11,999 15
Legend 15,000+ 16

Source: DestinyTheGame Subreddit

How many points are earned for a win or a loss in Gambit?

As of Season of the Splicer, Infamy win streaks have been updated. This information was provided in a TWAB on May 6, 2021. Instead of varying increases to how much Infamy a player earns, the increase has been standardized across all Infamy ranks. Now, the Infamy win streak bonus increases by 35 points per win.

The following table still displays the old point increase and will be updated once solid data has been gathered.

Loss Win 1 Win 2 Win 3 Win 4 Win 5+
Guardian 80 100 150 175 190 200
Brave 75 110 160 185 200 240
Heroic 65 120 170 195 210 220
Fabled 50 130 180 205 220 230
Mythic 30 140 190 215 230 240
Legend 0 150 200 225 240 250

Source: DestinyTheGame Subreddit

Gambit Prime and Infamy Ranks

The release of Joker's Wild in Season of the Drifter introduced Gambit Prime. This new and intense version of Gambit brings new mechanics, armor, and guns to the table. Gambit Prime's affect on Infamy Ranks is the same as normal Gambit. Players will be able to play Gambit Prime and earn points toward moving up the various levels. However, Gambit Prime seems to be a more challenging mode. Due to this increase in challenge, players may find it easier to rank up using the normal Gambit mode.

Gambit Infamy and Infamy reset rewards

Players can visit the Drifter in the Tower and get rewards for their Infamy rank every so often. Besides the Cloak/Bond/Mark, which should be available if the proper level is reached, the next reward is the Bygones Pulse Rifle earned at Infamy rank 12, which is Fabled III. After that, it’s on to the Mysterious Package and the Enigmatic Package, plus a Ghost and an Emblem for the truly dedicated.

The two biggest grabs on the list above are the weapons, as these are considered god rolls in terms of perks. The Bad Omens Rocket Launcher is a favorite of mine (I received a random god roll drop, so lucky me) with Tracking Module and Cluster Bomb, making it deadly in almost any situation, especially when one needs to eliminate invaders, or is doing the invading, in Gambit. If I didn’t already have the god roll Bad Omens, the goal for me would be to reset my Infamy twice in a single season of Gambit to get both weapons. The other rewards are optional.

With a clear understanding of how the Infamy ranks work in Gambit, including how many points Guardians can earn along the way and what rewards await, be sure to visit the Shacknews Destiny 2 strategy guide for guides and walkthroughs for players at any point on their journey.