Bleach Dogwood locations - Fallout 76

Published , by Bill Lavoy

The more time players spend in Fallout 76, the more they’re going to find that certain resources are in high demand. In Fallout 4 it was Adhesive and Aluminum, which is also a thing in Fallout 76, but new to the party, at least for me, is Bleach Dogwood. This resource is found on a tree in-game, and it’s one of the ingredients used to craft a Water Filter.

Bleach Dogwood locations

Bleach Dogwood is most easily found near the Pioneer Scout Camp east-northeast of Vault 76, or in the Grafton area, northeast of Vault 76. That’s not to say it can’t be found in many other places on the map, but so far those are the only two locations I’ve been able to reliably find it. The Pioneer Scout Camp is of interest because it is the location of the Plan: Water Filter, which requires Bleach Dogwood to make, and is a key ingredient to early-game Purified Water.

Bleach Dogwood is found on trees that have leaves on them, and the bark is a combination of dark and light patches. The trees can take on a couple different forms, one of which is a “Y” shape with its two main branches. After seeing a single tree, the rest are easy to spot. Have a look at the embedded screenshots to get a clear idea of what they look like.

Bleach Dogwood disappearing

Take note that Bleach Dogwood is not Aid, it’s Junk. Any time a player scraps all their Junk, this will include Bleach Dogwood. It’s not uncommon to pick some up, then wonder where it all went. Usually it’s because the player scrapped their Junk to deal with being encumbered. If Bleach Dogwood is in a player’s inventory, they should scrap any Junk one at a time. This is also advisable because some Junk items can be sold for more Caps than others.

Crafting Water Filters isn’t really a good long-term solution for making Purified Water. Each filter is only good for one Purified Water, so the amount of resources required hardly makes the return on investment worth it. The best solution would be to get busy building a base to mass produce it.

With a good understanding of where to find Bleach Dogwood, be sure to visit our Fallout 76 guide, where we are busy covering all topics players are curious about, whether large in-game systems or small queries about some weird wood resource required to make Purified Water.