PlayStation Store for PC Updated, Now Requires Stand-alone Software

The PSP firmware update released earlier this month allows owners of Sony's handheld to directly access the PlayStation Store for the first time, but for those who enjoyed the old-school way of browsing from a PC, good news: the PlayStation Store for PC is back.

There's bad news, however. The updated PC store now requires stand-alone software in the form of Sony's Media Manager software.

Previous versions of Media Manager have served as an iTunes-like tool for the PSP, allowing users to sync up music, photos and videos with their systems, while they bought content from the PlayStation Store directly from the Web. But the latest version of Media Manager has taken another iTunes-ish step and integrated Sony's store directly into the software.

Media Manager 3.0 is a free download, but it's Windows-only and does not support 64-bit versions of Windows, whether XP or Vista.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    October 28, 2008 11:29 AM

    Well, if it weren't for my PS3 I wouldn't be able to use their story anymore for PSP stuff. I can't connect my PSP to my wifi connection at all.

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