Dietitian: Gamer Performance Pill Not Necessary With a Balanced Diet

Many of the chief ingredients of gamer dietary supplement FpsBrain can be found in a balanced diet, according to dietitian Danielle Marzano, prompting some to question the pill's overall utility.

Marzano said that the amino acids essential to FpsBrain's weighty list of ingredients should already be a part of one's daily routine. "Foods of animal origin are the richest dietary sources of the essential amino acids," she told MTV Multiplayer. "Therefore, these ingredients would be included in proper amounts in a well-balanced diet, where supplementation would not be necessary."

Developed by German-based computer hardware company Tomarni in cooperation with Free University Berlin, the supplement is marketed as a means of increasing reaction speeds and improving concentration, much like an energy drink.

Tomarni CEO Thomas Straßburg claimed that FpsBrain is fundamentally different than energy drinks currently on the market. "The difference is that we optimized our product not for an effect on your alertness," he said. "We optimized it to let you be more focused and concentrated and let you react faster. FpsBrain is not only good for gaming. It is also good for every [type of] work where you have to concentrate."

FpsBrain is currently only available in Germany. Straßburg said that the company is currently "in talks" with the Food and Drug Administration to release the product in the United States.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    January 29, 2008 7:18 PM

    of course, any dietitian or nutritionist could tell you that most supplements you can take nowadays are a complete waste of money. Most of the additional intake is filtered by the kidneys and pee'd out. some of those products contain unhealthy (possibly dangerous) amounts of some vitamins and minerals. too much of a good thing isn't great in some cases.

    of course, being married to one gets me in on all this awesome knowledge. but the information is out there... as long as you don't read it off of a company website.

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