Fallout 3 Screenshots Depict Fallout

Bethesda released a handful of Fallout 3 screenshots today, showing off the apocalyptic sequel with four high-res portraits.

Is that first explosive shot the result of the Fat Man personal warhead launcher mentioned in our preview? Or is it a nuclear plant gone wrong? Examine the evidence below.

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From The Chatty
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    August 24, 2007 7:38 AM

    Looks amazing. After playing Oblivion till my eyes fell out, I am seriously looking forward to F3.

    • reply
      August 24, 2007 8:01 AM

      I hated oblivion (yes, one of the few) but I can't wait to "play" with this.

      Question, given all the fury over random screenshots that are generally very static and boring looking, is that the reason why the last two are horribly blurred from in-game motion-blur effects? Again, reasons that screenshots should only be of concept art, and any ingame shot should be 5 second video clips or something with large subtitles saying "work in progress"

      • reply
        August 24, 2007 8:37 AM

        Sup fellow Oblivion hater!

        I'm cautiously optimistic about this game. My primary gripe with Oblivion is the complete lack of variety in the world. I'm hoping they do something to something to fix that issue with Fallout 3 (especially given the source material)...

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