Play Doom With Doom 3

Last week, a mod team released Classic Doom 1.0. The project is a Doom 3 mod that recreates the original Doom in today's technology, and it has been extremely well received by those who have tried it out. You can download it from FileShack.
However, there are always those of us with fond memories of 1993 and the original Doom game, and just going around... well kicking ass. When Doom 3 was released, I decided to try my hand at mapping. I had no idea where to start so I figured I do something relatively easy by today's standards - the angular corridors of The Ultimate Doom's E1M1. So I did, and I enjoyed it. I finished the first version of it, and saw with the knowledge I had developed in the process of making it, that it was pretty bad. So I remade it. Scrapped that and remade it again. I developed this version and as I developed it, I changed things about the game and turned it into the basis for a mod.

The latest build, the first one made available to the public, features deathmatch. There's no cooperative mode yet, but the website claims it's a sure thing, it's just a matter of time. Hooray!

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