Seropian on Outsourcing

When Alex Seropian, co-founder of Bungie Studios, left Bungie to found new studio Wideload Games, he had a particular development model in mind: do the design and programming work in-house, and outsource much of the art assets to an external firm. The studio is now finishing up work on its first title, Stubbs the Zombie in "Rebel Without a Pulse" (Xbox, PC, Mac), and Gamasutra asked Seropian a few questions about Stubbs and the company's first attempt at outsourcing.
Seropian: "We faced a lot of challenges that we expected (sourcing talent, training, managing approvals, and asset traffic), and then a few that we didn't expect -- like really having to help contractors create accurate bids. All in all, we learned quite a bit. Working with independent talent is core to our business."

In a creative field like game development, outsourcing production is something that in general doesn't quite sit well with me. However, it's always good to see independent studios succeed, and if outsourcing can keep operating costs low enough for a developer to stay afloat, then it's probably an option that's worthwhile in certain situations. And, hey, Stubbs is looking pretty good.

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