Halo Xbox Online News

According to this messageboard post on Bungie.org, it looks like Internet support in the Xbox version of Halo is questionable at this time. Microsoft doesn't have a clear network strategy yet which makes it hard for Bungie to code in support for whatever Microsoft might come up with in the future. Thanks Crusader.

Unfortunately it's not possible for us to code support for internet play without more info than we have now. So Xbox Halo won't magically work over the internet when MS gets their networking stuff up. I don't think a patch will happen either.
A separate product is a possibility, but as things stand right now there is no definite plan for such a product. The team gets to decide what they work on next, but they won't make that decision until Halo is done.

It is stressed that this this is only for the Xbox version of Halo, so any waiting by the PC and Mac players for their version of the game will be possible be paid off with Internet support.
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From The Chatty
  • reply
    May 24, 2001 4:57 PM


    • reply
      May 24, 2001 5:02 PM

      it's funny what the plan file says to..
      i guess they didn't compile in support for winsock yet

      • reply
        May 24, 2001 5:06 PM

        That's a pretty bad mistake. I thought if any game was going to sell the X-Box it would be Halo, with online multiplayer. But after what people say happened at E3, I've changed my mind entirely about the machine and Halo.

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