Shack's Arcade Corner: Timber

Timber!!! Greg Burke is back to tell us all about the life of a lumberjack in 1984.


Timber was a pretty underrated arcade game about the life of a lumberjack. Chopping down trees was the game and it was built off of the much more popular Tapper arcade cabinet. The game was produced and developed by Midway Games in 1984. If you had some decent wood chopping skills, you could do some damage in the arcade on just one quarter. Please take a look at this episode of Shack's Arcade Corner for more infomation about Timber! 

For more videos, including gameplay and interviews, visit the Shacknews and YouTube channels.

If you have a suggestion for a future episode of Shack's Arcade Corner, please let us know in the comments section or tweet @shacknews & @GregBurke85 with #ArcadeCorner.

Head of Video

Greg is the head of Video Production for Shacknews. If you've ever enjoyed a video on, it was most likely edited by him. Follow him on Twitter @GregBurke85

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