Football Manager 2011 PC and Mac Demo Released

Managing a football team (or a soccer team, for that matter) is a cinch, every footy fan knows and will furiously yell at the television when their favourite team is losing. Now you can put your money where your mouth is in a demo for Football Manager 2011.

The demo is available in 'vanilla' and 'strawberry' flavours, with the former containing fewer languages and football leagues to save on download space. The 1.1GB-ish strawberry demo is available from FileShack in Windows and Mac editions, letting you manage teams from a dozen leagues around the world.

The 'vanilla' demo is only around 300MB but contains only the English and Scottish leagues. It's also available from FileShack in Windows and Mac varieties.

Developed by Sports Interactive and published by Sega, Football Manager 2011 is out in the UK on November 5 for PC, Mac and PSP. US retailers list it for November 9.

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