DJ Max Portable 3 Confirmed for US PSP Release

PM Studios will be bringing Pentavision's niche-appealing DJ Max Portable 3 to the United States according to Joystiq.

The series, which is often likened to Konami's Beatmania franchise, offers music rhythm gaming on the PlayStation Portable. The game was first released in the United States as DJ Max Fever, a combination of DJ Max Portable (2006) and DJ Max Portable 2 (2007).

It is unclear if this is an entirely new entry in the series from Pentavision or if it will be a release or combination of 2008's dual-release of DJ Max Portable Clazziquai Edition or Black Square. In any case, features promised include "more than 50 songs, unique modes, customizable options, and a yet to be announced new feature."

It will be released sometime this year on UMD and digitally via PSN. Now if only Konami would get around to putting Beatmania on the PS3.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    May 25, 2010 4:57 PM

    Can't wait. I've sunken more hours into DJ Max Portable 2 than I could count.

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