Morning Discussion

There goes Nick Breckon, riding off into the sunset. I probably wouldn't have this job were it not for Nick and he's a big part of why I wanted it too. The Tunnel Commander, as he liked to be known, was a simple man who wanted nothing more than good video games and a Pret A Manger sandwich. He gave oh so very much to Shacknews but most of all I'll remember and admire his unwaveringly frank and earnest opinions.

When I grow up, I want to be a Tunnel Commander too. Have fun at Bethesda, Nick.

Still, there'll always be video games.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    October 29, 2009 6:12 AM

    Alright, I know I'm trying to give you all a break but this is for all you Forza III guys out there, so it's kind of right on topic.
    I just spent the last 3 hours testing out one of these.

    Cost is about 10$ US and a few dollars shipping, it was surprisingly fast international too.

    The first 10 minutes I was thinking this might be a little bit better but ultimately not worth the money and just some junk gizmo I'd throw in a drawer. I've got to say after a few hours though it's pretty damn great. Infact I don't think I'd like to race without it. Obviously it's not going to turn you in to the best player ever but it totally helps, no question.
    I have real difficulty doing those finer adjusting turns without wildly swinging the thumbstick, maybe I have dumb thumbs, maybe I'm getting old or the sticks are too short, but this really helped and made me feel more control of the car and without feeling hampered I actually found myself enjoying the game more too.

    For only 10bucks you can't go wrong, I really think it's totally worth it, it comes with 2 and you only really need 1 anyhow so you get a spare too. Very glad I got this, really enjoying the game.

    • reply
      October 29, 2009 6:27 AM

      Yeah I have those and the FPS ones. The FPS ones definitely help (even though they are a cunt to put on and it broke one of my thumbsticks). I haven't tried the driving ones yet.

      • reply
        October 29, 2009 5:17 PM

        I can't get the speedfreek ones to fit the PS3 controller :(

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