Dreamkiller Trailer Delves Into Developers' Brains

"It's just straight-forward first-person shooter--tons of monsters, tons of enemies on-screen all at once coming at you," says Dreamkiller associate producer Randall Davis, "Nowhere to hide, just really old-school, adrenaline-pumping first-person action."

"It's just straight-forward first-person shooter--tons of monsters, tons of enemies on-screen all at once coming at you," says Dreamkiller associate producer Randall Davis, "Nowhere to hide, just really old-school, adrenaline-pumping first-person action."

While Dreamkiller's gameplay might be straight-forward, its trappings are less conventional. Playing as Dr. Alice Drake, you enter the minds of "the mentally disturbed" to cure their demons "in a calculated, smart kind of way. Even if it involves explosives."

Developed by Mindware Studios, Dreamkiller arrives on PC and Xbox 360 in October.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    September 25, 2009 12:47 PM

    I want to see gameplay, not developers sitting at their desk talking. There is no reason to show them talking. do some fucking voiceovers during the gameplay or something, seriously.

    • reply
      September 25, 2009 1:03 PM

      I'm also getting a little sick of these 'developer diaries', who cares what the developers look like, or how they talk, or how nifty their clothes are, we simply don't care. If they think it's adding a human touch, it's not, it's just plain annoying.

      • reply
        September 26, 2009 7:11 AM

        I concur, I actually stopped the video as soon as the first developer's face was put in front of the camera. From the first few seconds of the video the game looks pretty amateur anyway.

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