Dragon Age Has Gone to the Dogs

A recent update to the Dragon Age website brings us a look at the Mabari war hounds, creatures that players will either control or battle, depending on the circumstance. Writes BioWare of the beasts: "Trained hounds can easily pull knights from horseback or break lines of pike men, and the sight and sound of a wave of war dogs, howling and snarling, has been known to cause panic among even the most hardened infantry soldiers."

Dragon Age: Origins hits the PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 sometime this fall.

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From The Chatty
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    May 13, 2009 5:20 PM

    Actually sounds interesting. I'm all for more layers of interactivity. It's nice having those henchmen side missions in NWN 1 and 2, but hopefully there will be other things we can "invest" into that can alter the gameplay experience throughout the entire game, instead of just focusing on a certain henchmen or character at predetermined times and places.

    I'd like to train an army of sasquashes personally, but I think I'll have to wait for an Icewind Dale 3 or something for that dream to come true. A lot of people seem to have gripes with Icewind Dale for some reason, but I never cared because I have a LOT of fond memories from that game, especially since it was my first RPG game ever.

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