Wii Shop Gets Super Punch-Out!!, First Ever 'First-Person-Groomer'

Today's Wii Shop Channel update brings a double-dose of surprise. First, we've got the long awaited re-release of Nintendo's SNES classic Super Punch-Out!!. And second, Nintendo has pioneered the "first-person-groomer" genre with Bonsai Barber.
    • Bonsai Barber (Nintendo) / 1000 Wii Points ($10)
    Virtual Console
    • Super Punch-Out!! (Nintendo, Super NES) / 800 Wii Points ($8)

Both games will be downloadable from the Wii Shop Channel at 12 PM EDT / 11 AM CDT / 9 AM PDT. Read on for more information on each, including descriptions!

Bonsai Barber
1-4 players
Rated E for Everyone-Comic Mischief
1000 Wii Points ($10)

The village residents are hungry for the latest in foliage fashion, and it's up to you, the new barber, to fix them up. Use the tools of your trade: scissors, clippers, spray can, and more in this humorous, first-of-its-kind "first-person-groomer" game. Bonsai Barber features a colorful cast of 12 intriguing customers, including a temperamental shallot starlet (don't call her an onion), an oddball strawberry boffin, a cactus cowboy, a daredevil carrot, and a suave banana with top-secret clearance. Each day, five customers arrive to test your stylistic skill. If the customer requests a specific style, you'll plow that furrow, or you can rely on your expertise to pick from more than 30 popular fashions. Or, why not turn over a new leaf? Be creative and see how they react. They're a demanding bunch, so if you miss an appointment, you'll hear about it--on your Wii Message Board. If you do a good job, you may receive a gift or even a postcard from an exotic destination as your happy customers travel to distant lands and show off their exquisite coifs.

Super Punch-Out!! (Super NES)
1 player
Rated E for Everyone
800 Wii Points($8)

Featuring the tight game play and humor the series is known for, this sequel to the NES classic sees Little Mac return to the ring with the World Video Boxing Association belt once again at stake. Slug your way through the grueling, sweat-pounding matches of the Minor, Major and World Circuits as you face off against some of Little Mac's greatest rivals, such as Bear Hugger, Bald Bull and Super Macho Man. With a cast of new challengers waiting, do you have what it takes to identify their unique patterns and exploit their weaknesses? Go to your corner and come out fighting, but remember what Doc Louis would say: "It's not about brawling-it's about finesse!"

Chris Faylor was previously a games journalist creating content at Shacknews.

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