Taking Stock: The Gibson-Goldstein Index

We were so close, Shack. So close to having a nice, relaxing week all the way through, and then LittleBigPlanet had to go and have a controversy right at the end. If we had an index for gamers' blood pressure, it'd certainly be skyrocketing right now.

Let's hope next week goes a little easier on us.

Multiplayer Betas
Resistance 2 and Call of Duty: World at War open up to the masses. It's a good week to be an FPS fan.

LittleBigPlanet Content Creation
I feel bad for this one. LittleBigPlanet has had almost universally good press, and then it picked up an expensive recall. The game innocently tried to celebrate world cultures with its soundtrack, but the internet had to poo all over that. If you thought an onslaught of user-built penis towers would be bad...

The Kids
Gaming is good for them, according to a Yahoo! survey sponsored by Sony. The survey found that parents and children are overwhelmingly responsible about video games, games make kids smarter, and that the economy is just fine.

Team Fortress 2 Updates
Nothing more coming this year. You still have a Sandvich to hold you over, right?

The casual game company gave Steam users a hefty discount for Peggle Nights, and they even sent Faylor cookies.

Stardock amends the Gamers' Bill of Rights to accommodate for ongoing DRM controversy and the United States appoints a piracy czar. Instead, Blizzard takes the right approach and uses compelling multiplayer features as a non-invasive, non-controversial, and successful form of DRM.

Reviews for the Max Payne movie are not good. I suspect that the critics are looking at it through the lens of a movie and not that of Max Payne killing everyone. Granted, the movie could be just plain bad, but at least that's keeping faithful to video game movies as a whole.

What, you thought I was talking about Obama? No, silly, the Ghostbusters game is still alive. And when Dan Aykroyd himself says it, who are we to doubt him?

"I was really wrong about the third-person thing... [but] I got mirrors so you can see her."
EA CEO John Riccitiello, on the desirability of being able to see Mirror's Edge protagonist Faith.

"Let's just say it's going to be different and it's not going to be a sequel to World of Warcraft."
Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime on the company's next MMO.

"The talk about a 360 version of Metal Gear Solid 4 has somehow completely been replaced with talk about Winning Eleven!!!"
Japanese blog my game news flash on the quiet removal of all mention of a 360 version of Metal Gear Solid 4 from a Japanese news article.

"We're taking more time because it's a more ambitious project."
Valve marketing VP Doug Lombardi on the development of Half-Life Episode 3.

"EA will kill a game or two a year. Forever."
EA CEO John Riccitiello on keeping up EA's quality standards and cancelling Tiberium.
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