Zoid Leaves id


This should be a shocker to most of you. Seems that Zoid's made a .plan update that he's moving on... I normally don't quote entire long updates, but it's Zoid for God's sake, he's one of the pioneers of this little community

In September of 1996, I made a small modification to the popular id Software game Quake and called it ThreeWave Capture the Flag. That simple modification grew into the last three and a half years of working with id Software and the Quake community. The job that id Software gave me over this period has been very rewarding. It has also been a lot of fun. I have enjoyed watching the community grow. I was also overwhelmed at having been able to work on a series of some of the most amazing games ever created. But, like all good things, it must come to an end. I feel that I have learned a lot in my time with id, but I find myself looking for new challenges. I have decided that in order to pursue them, I must leave my association with id Software. Having done so, I plan on exploring new opportunities. My contract with id terminates at the end of this month (Feb). My zoid@idsoftware.com address will probably stop forwarding to my permanent address shortly after that. My permanent address is zoid@threewave.com for people that wish to reach me. I would like to thank id Software (and especially John Carmack) for giving me such great opportunities, and allowing me to work with all the talented people there. I am going to miss it. In March, I will begin a new position at Retro Studios, http://www.retrostudios.com/. I look forward to joining the team there and working on some exciting new projects. So long and thanks for all the captures. /// Zoid.
I'm sure everyone will miss him... Well, except me, cause I'm going to Retro in March too :-)

From The Chatty
  • reply
    February 25, 2000 11:04 PM

    Hahaha, nice way to slip that announcement in there Jack.

Hello, Meet Lola