Empire Earth III Announced


Sierra Entertainment has issued this press release, officially announcing the development of Empire Earth III which will be released this fall. Screenshots can be found here.

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From The Chatty
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    February 23, 2007 10:23 AM

    always enjoyed this series. I still play EE2 from time to time. NEver got into the missions but the skirmishes were great.

    I hope they change the graphics though for 3...Why is everything so shiny? The camera angle looks really awkward as well.

    Water looks nifty though.

    • reply
      February 23, 2007 11:19 AM

      In additon something worries me about this new one...

      Empire Earth is a game series that involves taking your civilization from the stone age to the future, from the previews I've read it looks like the game will be more centered on the futuristic robot/laser thing than anything else. Plus the lack of real-world units (units that resemble their reality counterparts) makes it look like the series is branching off in a horrible direction.

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