Layoffs At Perpetual Entertainment


Gamasutra is reporting that 35 people were let go from Perpetual Entertainment over budgetary issues. Most of those people were on the Gods and Heroes: Rome Rising team, though a few Star Trek Online team members got the axe as well. Due to the staff turnover, Gods & Heroes will be delayed by several months. Perpetual's Chris McKibbin responded to the story

As some of you may have heard we have made some staffing changes at Perpetual. We are proud to announce that we are within a month of being content complete on Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising, our upcoming AAA MMO title. As we achieve this major development milestone, a number of content production roles come to an end. The Gods & Heroes team remains over 80 talented people strong as we enter the final phase prior to launch -- play-testing and tuning to deliver the highest quality game possible.
McKibbin notes that Gods & Heroes is now due in the summer of 2007, adding a few months of additional testing and tweaking.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    December 15, 2006 7:21 AM

    Who? These are their first games I'm guessing?

    • reply
      December 15, 2006 7:36 AM

      Yes, but founded by ex EA guys and Stieg Hedlund Diablo 2/Starcraft designer. So they could be a heavy hitting developer.

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