Guild Wars: Factions Preview


And another preview at IGN as they have some Guild Wars: Factions impressions, checking out the first campaign. The stand-alone expansion pack will launch April 28.

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From The Chatty
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    March 11, 2006 1:18 PM

    There doesn't seem to be much interest in GW on shack anymore.

    • reply
      March 11, 2006 1:35 PM

      I haven't played in awhile due to other reasons, but I'm an officer in a pretty successful guild few other shackers in it too.

    • reply
      March 12, 2006 1:26 AM

      yeah i haven't seem too many people on shack playing it

      I play it though and its a good value for the mount of hours I spent on it, its a bit difficult to get into the PVP for this game but once you do its a blast

      Reasons for difficulty...elitism in some of the PVP forms like Heroe's Ascent only accepting a certain form of builds but i've tended to stay away from that and just play with Arenas and Guild Battles, even if we're a terrible rank for guild battles we're improving slowly in that area. And its pretty depressing getting worked in the lower level arenas by guys decked out in highest armor gear/weapons and hopefully they fix that crap in the future.

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