Splinter Cell: Double Agent Q&A


Over at Computer & Video Games you can find a new Splinter Cell: Double Agent Q&A, asking Ubisoft producer Julien Gerighty about the game. Topics include the game quickly following up Chaos Theory, Sam starting in jail, the John Brown Army, new gameplay features, locations and environments and the Splinter Cell movie.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    January 5, 2006 10:01 AM

    Julien Gerighty: You know, the movie in the works has been Hollywood coming to Ubisoft and saying we want to make a movie based on Splinter Cell. But we're kind of protective about it and we don't want Uwe Boll coming along and making a movie out of it. It's a question of picking and choosing who we're working with. I don't think it will have anything to do with Splinter Cell 4. Maybe the people who are making the movie will take inspiration from it, but the game wasn't envisioned that way at all.

    Lol !

    • reply
      January 5, 2006 10:02 AM

      That came out all wrong.

      Here is the quote:
      But we're kind of protective about it and we don't want Uwe Boll coming along and making a movie out of it.

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