Battlefield 2 Stats Hacks


Hackers yesterday unlocked all weapons for some five million Battlefield 2 accounts, supposedly following inaction on the part of EA after being informed of the security holes. EA, in a new community update, mentions that they have found the cause of the problem and are rolling back all accounts to their previous state.

Once our solution is in place, if you find that you do not have access to weapons appropriate to your in-game rank, please direct inquiries to the Support sites linked below. In some cases users may be prompted to re-select the Unlock weapons that they are eligible for (if you are eligible for two weapons you will get to choose the two you wish to have unlocked).

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    July 26, 2005 3:48 AM

    I enjoyed using the spec ops alterante gun, think that'll be my next unlock. Are EA's servers under attack now? I can't check the community update all I get is an error "The document contains no data"

    • reply
      July 26, 2005 3:54 AM

      Yeah, getting to check out all those unlocked guns today was rather cool - now I know that:

      1. the Anti-Tank/Engineer shotguns suck
      2. the support gun is more accurate than the others and still packs a punch
      3. The G3 is not worth giving up the 'nade launcher
      4. G36C is alright, but meh
      5. The Sniper .50 cal doesnt really do jack to armored vehicles and takes 2 shots to kill anyone outside of headshots
      6. I really like the medic gun the best... and its the one I unlocked first.

      • reply
        July 26, 2005 4:07 AM

        With the medics alternate where on the ironsight do you aim? When I used it felt like the tip of the sight tended to fire over the target.
        Yeah the .50 cal doesn't do much to the vechile but at least you can shoot through the armoured glass :)

        • reply
          July 26, 2005 4:37 AM

          argh, people and ironsights. Yes, the bullet goes right to where the sights point, right above the metal.

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            July 26, 2005 4:56 AM

            The need to ask always confuses me ... there are plenty of walls in the game, and it has decals, right?

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              July 26, 2005 6:41 AM

              It's an unlockable gun that I haven't unlocked, when I was playing the demo I did try it and it seemed a little off to me which is why I asked the question.

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            July 26, 2005 6:28 AM

            So sorry oh knowledgeable one, when I tried the gun it felt like it didn't quite fire at the tip of the sight.

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              July 26, 2005 6:38 AM

              Does the game include bullet drop over distance? That might be why?

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