BioWare Unreal Engine Q&A


HomeLAN Fed has posted this Q&A with BioWare's joint CEOs Greg Zeschuk and Ray Muzyka, asking them about the recent announcement that BioWare is licensing the Unreal Engine 3. Don't expect any details on the game they're licensing it for though, the only thing divulged is that it is an RPG.

All of our games are quite different yet they're very similar in many respects - there is a core RPG layer which permits strong storytelling, character interactions, exploration and character progression. We're currently building an RPG layer for Unreal Engine 3 to ensure that this title will have all of the great features that BioWare games are known for: a compelling story, entertaining character interactions and exploration, and strong character development aspects, and Epic has actually expressed interest in talking with us about the licensure of that RPG layer, which we own. Licensing the Unreal Engine 3 really allows one of our internal development teams to focus on creating a highly cinematic and immersive RPG in a relatively short amount of time, while our other teams continue work in parallel on future projects and on the next-generation BioWare Eclipse Engine.
Update: PC.IGN has posted their own Q&A on the subject.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    September 20, 2004 7:38 AM

    Hooray, I got 1st comment....

    btw- looking forward to hearing more about this game. I can't even imagine what the games will be like lookin' as good as the Unreal Engine 3 screenshots.

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