Late Night Consoling


Tonight is the last night of Hanukah, so I exchanged gifts with the rest of my family. Game-wise, I did pretty well. From my brother in-law I got Midway Arcade Treasures, which is just a blast (help me! I can't stop playing Paperboy!), and then from my parents I got Final Fantasy X-2 (w00p) and another copy of Legacy of Kain: Defiance (d'oh!). That last one I'll be taking back to GameStop tomorrow, and will hopefully be able to exchange it for Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. So how did all of you do?
Nintendo N5 Backwards Compatible? Aside from the usual bit of holiday cheer, the buzz around the web over the last day or two is that Nintendo's next console system (known to some as the "N5", as it's Nintendo's fifth home system) may be backwards compatible with the GameCube. The source for the rumor seems to come from Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, who told the Japanese magazine Famitsu, "It will be able to use the games already created in the previous generation." Which is as good as a confirmation as you could possibly hope for.
Nintendo Washington Post on Nintendo Not-So-Super-Mario is the name of an article from yesterday's Washington Post which looks at Nintendo's sliding position in the gaming industry. There are some largely negative quotes from various analysts, but this is a much, much more well-reasoned piece than the one that ran in Time Asia a few weeks back.
Xbox DoA Code: Chronos Not a Fighting Game According to The Magic Box, Tecmo's Team Ninja has announced that they will reveal the first details from Dead or Alive Code: Chronos, and surprise! It's not a fighting game. My guess is that it's either an RPG (although hopefully not as much as a departure as the upcoming Virtua Fighter spin-off) or a pure action game, a la Ninja Gaiden (or Namco's upcoming Nina, for that matter). Also announced is that Dead or Alive 4 will not be released in 2004, prompting some to guess that it will be released for a next-generation platform.
GameCube New Warp Pipe Released The Warp Pipe Project has released version 0.3.1 of their GameCube tunneling software. This release is available for Windows, OS X and Linux, and supports 8 player Mario Kart: Double Dash and support for 1080 Avalanche.
PS2 Naughty Dog Q&A Computer and Video Games has posted a Q&A with Jason Rubin of Naughty Dog, talking with the co-founder and co-president about this past year and the year ahead for the industry.
  Misc. Media/Previews
GameCube PS2 Xbox GameBoy Advance The Magic Box has new shots from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (PS2), Homeland (GC), Shaman King (GBA), and two Yu-Gi-Oh! games: Capsule Monster Chess (PS2) and The King of Destiny (Xbox). Also, GameSpy has a new preview of Champions of Norrath: Realms of EverQuest (PS2) and Games Are Fun has a report from the recent Jump Festival.
Console Game of the Evening: Record of Lodoss War for the Dreamcast. "Other than a few characters, it really had little to do with the series, but an extremely addictive dungeon hack nonetheless." (submitted by BrodieMan).

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