More on Star Wars: Battlefront


The site of the Official U.S. Playstation magazine has a news post about Star Wars: Battlefront, the Battlefield 1942-like multiplayer game that LucasArts is working on. It offers a bit more info on what we can expect from this game (the latest issue of the magazine has a full preview of the game). Thanks HomeLAN.

Think SOCOM's online-multiplayer experience, only with a wide variety of characters to choose from and a bunch of cool Star Wars vehicles to operate. You can play in the Galactic Civil War or the Clone Wars, meaning you can choose one of four armies to command (Rebels vs. Imperials or Republic vs. Separatists). You can't mix and match sides (e.g., no Republic vs. Empire), but battles can take place on any planet. As for the vehicles, Battlefront includes pretty much every major ride you've seen in a Star Wars flick. Yes, even AT-ATs. Yes, even X-wings. Hell, you can even mount a tauntaun. Better yet, certain vehicles carry multiple troops: One player drives as the others man guns.
Three screenshots are included as well. In case you missed it, this game will be released on PC and Xbox as well.

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